"Events covered as part of current news affairs typically have a historical context, but which sometimes may not get highlighted adequately in news coverage. Being able to enrich the presentation of news with background context information has therefore been an active area of research. We add to this body of work by identifying a niche domain of studying corporate-government interlocks, where augmenting news articles with information about the interconnection network of entities referred in the news articles, can help users interpret the news more easily. We tap into two sources of data: we obtain the interconnection network of important entities like politicians, bureaucrats, companies, business-people, their family members, etc. from multiple structured and unstructured sources on the web; and we build a corpus of news articles from several mainstream dailies, along with extracting entities referred to in these articles. This provides us with a strong base to build a series of applications. We build an application which given a topic or event, provides to users a tight nugget of information about the social network of entities relevant to the topic and corresponding news articles which describe the interconnections. Another application allows users to track changes in the corporate-government interlocks over time, and refers them to news articles describing the incidence of these interlocks."